We seek to bring people health and happiness
through innovative Generic medications.

Our Products

Neovel Pharma a global healthcare company has extensively invested in the pipeline and is dedicated to advancing medicines that can substantially improve the lives of patients in creating values.

Neovel Pharma aims to pioneer the market of complex generics and enable global health quality by bringing affordable drugs to treat major therapeutic areas of Nephrology, Gastro Enterology, Cardiology, Neurology, Psychiatrics, inflammatory disorders, and anti-infectives for the unmet needs of patients is unparalleled.

Liquid Injections
Liquid Injections
Pre Filled Syringes
Pre Filled Syringes
Liquid Injections
Lyophilized Injection

Our capabilities

  • Area of over 20097 sq meters with separate buildings for Manufacturing, Office & Utility Based on a uniflow concept
  • Eco–friendly and ergonomic design of the Building & Premises
  • Latest and best in class HVAC, Water, and other Utility Systems
  • Over 3000 sq ft area dedicated for Quality Control and Quality Assurance Activities
  • Our facilities to manufacture Injectables – Liquid, Lyophilized Powders, and PFS (Pre Filled syringe). Varies Vial sizes from 2 ml to 100 ml
  • Vials (liquid injectable capacity 300 Vials/ Min and lyophilized Injectable Powders 300 Kg Ice /24 Hrs.)
  • Pre-filled syringes (capacity 200 Units/ Min)
  • Aseptic processing and vial filling of small volume Parenterals (small and large molecules)
  • Online in-process control for fill volume checks
  • Lyophilization unit of 780 sq. ft shelf area
  • Stability Services
  • Storage and handling of cold-chain products
  • Cartridges (future addition)